Lynn Ubell

Lynn Ubell Homepage

Documentation of Lynn Ubell(Rose Mary Lynn Ubell) maiden name: Power

FaceBook Url:
Example of past charges against her gaining media attention: CBC News
Relevant link: Lynn Info

What follows is a biography/documentation of Lynn Ubell. Unfortunately the documentation is not available publicly at this time. This is due to fact it shows Lynn Ubell defrauding the military, falsely accusing her former partner of sexual assault, falsely accusing her step-dad of sexual assault, being fired from her last military posting, defrauding military for her education at Western University in Ontario, Canada, and shows her committing acts of sexual assault and assault on others.

Also due to the fact the pictures and videos contained within are pornographic in nature, showing her largely promiscuous life as a swinger, an alcoholic, being thrown in treatment centers for alcohol abuse by military, as well as her having intercourse with men and women, these videos and pictures can only be shown to law enforcement. These videos and pictures were recovered with hard drive recovery software after Lynn Ubell had deleted them.

If you are in a position of law enforcement, you may contact me via the contact link on this page for username and password to the material.