Rose Mary Lynn Ubell
Why was this website created?
It was built to reveal the truth about Lynn Ubell, the short form of her name Rose Mary Lynn Ubell that she goes by. I have personally witnessed this woman sleep with nearly anything while always intoxicated. Unfortunately this means husbands, fathers and destroying families in the process. Her daughter Gemma referred to her as a home wrecker, when that comes from her own daughter, you know something is amiss. I have witnessed her destroy men’s lives and leave children without fathers, phone up their wives after sleeping with their husband, then wife files for divorce or seperation, which was case of one military pilot I saw that happen to on phone directly in front of me.
She also has a habit of cheating on anyone she is with, and when relationship breaks down tries to charge them with rape. There are multiple cases of this in her history. Unfortunately her last partner took a plea bargain having found out his daughter had attempted suicide in B.C, Canada in order to go see her, otherwise he could have been waiting another year for a trial and had already been held against his will for 9 months on a fake rape charge at that point. Essentially what had happened there was Lynn was abusing a no-contact order from rape charge, contacting him, and when he would respond back, toss him in jail over it anytime she was upset over the infidelity issues in the relationship, which she started in first place. Which was essentially what whole trial would have been about to, how she had sex and asked her partner to cuddle afterwards, and when he wouldn’t, charged him with rape! What an age we live in when a woman can have sex, and then magically say its non consensual because he does not want to cuddle after!
To make matters even worse, she did it while his daughter he had never met came for a visit and was sleeping in very next bedroom for the week! The week prior to that the police had been called on her for assaulting him. He was contacted to press charges as she openly admitted to the officers she was hitting him over the infidelity issues, but decided not to. A bit of time prior to that Lynn had tied him to a bed and raped him with sex toys against his will while tied up, when he begged her to stop she simply said, “Shut up you enjoy it”.
Can you say cover up! How did anyone ever believe her? What was learned was she was telling everyone she was telling prosecutor the charge was fake, however that had been a lie. Anytime they argued about infidelity issues, she would jump on her laptop and email victim services(prosecutor) and change her story that it really did happen! Then use the no contact order to toss him in jail having him believe charges were being dropped!
This is a very dangerous woman. A woman who abuses the law against men, and it is not the first time she has done it! We’ve learned her past about her step father raping her is also fake. Your going to have to take my word at face value because all the evidence is inside the site proving it and if you saw the videos and photos you would be absolutely disgusted with this woman. Unfortunately due to graphic nature of pictures and videos that were recovered from hard drive she deleted files from, I can only give username and password access to law enforcement. However here is a confession letter we can show you that the rape charge on her former partner was fake, she destroyed the original letter and the digital photographed copy, but the latter was recovered and this is only one of them!
Confession letter LINK CLICK HERE
Her former partner said,
“Taking a fake rape charge in order to protect the life of my child is a decision I hope every parent wouldn’t hesitate to make. I couldn’t afford to wait another year in there for a trial which seemed where it was heading with her moving out of province and probably making excuses to not show up remanding it further putting my daughter’s life in danger. I actually took a pretty good beating when police showed up cause I ran from them scared for my daughter’s safety and I had to get Mr Olympia chasing me that looked like he ran 2 hours a day every morning. I made mistake of phoning Lynn after I learned about my daughter, I thought she could help.”
“So I phoned once to break the ice with the usual I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me routine, then phoned back right after to tell her my daughter’s life was in danger, and she didn’t even bother picking up, that is what sealed my fate. What bothers me still to this day about that, is how someone tosses you in jail for you telling them that you love them and fact that doesn’t it even occur to them if I have to break the law to contact her it was really important, like life and death. As soon as I was released I went right away to BC to make sure my daughter was ok, we had long talks, and walks and she seemed receptive to what I was saying, so I believe it really helped her and I am happy to report she is doing well now. My lawyer refused to let me tell the judge the truth, he wanted a recording of phone call as a better defense, suffice to say he was fired, so I actually went to sentencing myself with no representation not realizing the consequences of that till after. I remember crying at the sentencing, it all hit me hard at once, how I was treated, length of time they kept me there, my daughters life in danger, I never once told the judge I was even guilty just that I needed to plead guilty. She had to keep asking me if I was sure I wanted to plead guilty, I think I got lucky cause she must have seen in my eyes how important it was that I needed to, but i essentially I stood there and told her how it didn’t happen that day, so I got lucky she even let me plead guilty, so I have her to thank for my daughter’s life”
“All in all when I look back on it now, I couldn’t believe the miscarriage of justice, when I first got put in there for Lynn’s onslaught of breach of contact order setups, for a month or two an order was placed against me where I couldn’t even phone a lawyer! Its at that point I knew Lynn had manipulated the prosecutor in the case with all her lies and emails. The correction officer in there told me in the 20 years he has worked there he has never seen an illegal judge order like that. It didn’t even get fixed till a month or 2 later when I had to write my family the old fashion way to get the illegal order removed! To top it off Lynn had been visiting my own lawyer at the time in the case and my own lawyer wouldn’t even apply for bail for me, it wasn’t till I told her she was fired that she decided to apply for it! This case was heavy tainted and manipulated and all I could do is keep my mouth shut and wait for trial”
“The miscarriage of justice doesn’t even stop there, when you have a prosecutor manipulated only hearing one side of the story placing illegal orders against you and denying your bail when your not even a safety risk to the public or her its really tough. I understand why Lynn tried to keep me held in there, because any evidence she knew I had on my computer, she wanted to make sure that never saw the light of day at trial”
“The jail experience itself was a horrible experience, I must have seen the whole jail and another one when they ran out of spots in that one for me. I could write a book on it at this point. Picture yourself locked up with 99% native people as a white person in there and they all hate white people, can’t blame them really that is how they ended up in there in the first place. But anyways broken ribs, foot, beatings, moved to new spot in jail every other month and a trip to suicide ward later I got released, I made it! I stood my ground with the worst people you could ever meet, even going 1 on 1 with murderers in the news and I survived even when getting jumped from behind! I wish this on no one, a few times my life flashed before my eyes as my head bounced off the floor or toilet”
“All in all what is done is done, my only wish is people know about this woman so no one else ever has to go through what I did. She became a lawyer, clearly that is not what a victim does, I wondered why no one ever clued in. This woman’s only interest in law would be to figure out how to remove all possible defenses of next guy she charges with rape”
“I was a CEO of a company when I met her with many employees and growing that I built from ground up, taught at the university in areas of computers, I was a real science geek and ran many companies over 2 decades. Some that changed many people’s lives for the better. Then suddenly one day I fall in love with a woman who is nothing but a military grunt getting fired from military postings, an alcoholic, a liar, a cheat, going to rehab centers, AA meetings, and defrauding military to get university paid for on her wait out before they kicked her out. Even the military wouldn’t trust her with more than a million dollars budget as a logistics officer. One thing she is good at is manipulating men being in a male dominated field for so long, from blackmailing married senior officers by sleeping with them to even manipulating prosecutors. Someone told me at the airforce base military women know how to manipulate the legal system against men better than any other woman in Canada, that should stop and make you think”
“She has also had ex boyfriends come up to her and knock all her teeth out, I can only wonder if she tried to charge them with rape to, if you look closely all her teeth are fake and jawline reconstructed. All I can think is my God, what did she do to that one this time to make him do that”
“All this experience was definitely a learning lesson for me, when you have a woman that can manipulate men so easily, and a woman which she told me her last count of men she slept with just in military alone was 60+ by early age, this is a woman incapable of love, she has been with way to many men, you would think a walking STD as she never uses condoms but an IUD implant, would have severe health problems by now. Most I found out was in a medical report from Washington, DC about having ovarian cancer, mental health issues, and having a rare disease that she has to go for blood transfusions that I have personally seen, and that is just what I read or saw which she quickly took that report from me from seeing anymore of it I remember, so actually yeah there is quite a lot there”
“Its actually difficult for me to share all this about her, it took me 3 years to even come forward about her raping me after I was tied up by her with objects I don’t want to even describe. I remember screaming for her to stop, and she just kept going telling me that I liked it, and we are talking about huge sex toys in the anus. I still have not told authorities about this, its so embarrassing. I just can’t believe I was the one charged! I had to phone police at one point when she was violently hitting me not long after for cheating on her because she did it to me. I remember day after she charged me, she phoned me up very next day for drinks, and wanted me to go back to her place to have sex, we had sex in the car. I asked her why she phoned police on me, she told me if I hadn’t phone them on her she wouldn’t have phoned them on me. So of course I felt bad, but difference is I didn’t have her charged even though what she did really happened!”
“I really wish I could have gone to trial and exposed this woman for who she really is, not only for me, for all the people she has hurt and falsely charged over the years. So for all the guys out there that have had their marriages destroyed, lost their kids, jobs, and much more from this woman, I do apologize, but please understand why I had to let her have her fake rape charge, I was scared for my daughter’s well being. Besides you have all the evidence now you’ll ever need that it was fake regardless if you have access to inside the site”
“So what is the real story with this woman, how did she become a vindictive hater of men, give feminists a bad name, a person that doesn’t care who she hurts, a person that only cares about herself, even trying to toss people who love her in jail on fake charges out of cheating issues? Well we know all her rape charges against men are fake, so then what is the real story why she is the way she is? To answer that question I had to phone her ex-husband to try and get an answer, what he told me was that, “She was a perfect house wife, never an issue, never a problem, never a man hater, until she got a posting to Bosnia one year, when she came back she was never the same”. So we know something in Bosnia caused this, turned this perfectly good woman into what she is today, what was it? I remember her talking briefly about Bosnia in the relationship, something about dead and raped women and children which I can’t completely remember, stories about how she blackmailed married senior officers sleeping with them to get what she wanted. Stories about how she was practically sleeping with a new person all the time there always drinking. Stories how one guy left her a handkerchief after having sex with her which she still keeps in her underwear drawer to this day. Stories how when she came back from Bosnia she was having sex with someone in family home while her husband was at work. That’s all I got, so your guess is as good as mine how Bosnia caused this.”
“How do you help this woman? In my opinion only a professional counselor could help her day she comes forward with the truth about her life. I don’t think she ever will. What I have personally witnessed in the relationship is when she starts telling lies, she convinces herself they are true. How can anyone counsel that? That is the definition of narcissism and she fits all the definitions of it to point I could give an example for each of them. The only thing I can think of is she developed it as a survival trait from military somehow, I think its from all the men she slept with. How can someone go through life with the motto if you hurt me I’ll hurt you 10x worse? Obviously its impossible to have relationship with someone like that, as any disagreement would turn into a big deflected exaggeration of the truth where your always being forced to defend yourself and never really resolving issue at hand, which was case with her. When that happens you loose trust in the person, and without trust there is no relationship”
“So again how do you help this person? I think writing something like this about the truth is what does it. If she can face her past with honesty I believe it would set her soul finally at rest and she wouldn’t need knockout pills to sleep anymore. When someone tells lie after lie and tries to convince themselves its true all the time, at some point its going to catch up to them, its only a matter of when”
“There is an old saying that you will always love someone you loved before, otherwise you wouldn’t have loved them in the first place, so in writing this I do it out of love so the truth can be known. I have nothing to gain by writing any of this, no reason to lie, everything is done and over with, I write this to you today to tell you the truth”
“And I tell you this out of having been an actual rape victim of hers, if I went to law school the very last thing I would ever study would be rape or sexual assault, I wouldn’t even want to think about it, certainly not study it or get a PHD in it!”
“You heard what happened to me with being setup on breaches of contact, and fake rape charges, imagine what she is capable of now, so in writing this I am really hoping to also prevent this happening to someone else, I wouldn’t wish what I went through on my worst enemy”
“You also have to question how someone well into their 50’s can keep playing the victim in their own life. One day we will see her write a book how her step dad and former partner raped her and inspire it to the prosecutor she manipulated, that’s how sick and demented she can be”
“There is so much more but I’d like to wrap it up at this point on a thought. Lynn had asked me to marry her while all this was going on. Its no secret even with no contact order we had been living together and seeing a relationship counselor she picked out for us for the infidelity issues we were trying to work through which had been going great till she started drinking again. I believed her she had been telling prosecutor the truth, and it was all over with, only reason.
Anyways some food for thought here, in life no one really cares what happens to other people unless your in the family, friend, relationship circle. So I mean if you really look at this situation years from now none of this will even matter anymore and it will be like it never happened anyways. The reality of life is no one cares about you or me, no one cares if you were raped or not, abused or not, or anything else, your at best an entertainment value for an hour on the TV or news and people go on with their lives. So all this really was ever about was if she wanted to stay together or not, whether she really loved me and wanted to marry me like she said. I remember thinking if we had made it through the infidelity issues and legal nonsense we would have been the strongest couple ever in the end because we had been through hell and back and came away winners”
“I remember talking to my Dad about this whole situation, I never forgot what he said. He told me no matter how bad it ever got in his relationship that is something him and his partner would never ever do to each other is charge each other or involve any third party law enforcement, because they know their relationship would be over and they loved each other way to much for that and always wanted to be together”
“I never forgot that, and you may ask why did I not have her charged? I mean she could be in jail right now for sexual assault and assault for very serious crimes. Don’t think they didn’t try, I couldn’t hide the assault that happened, for weeks after victim services emailed me trying to get me to charge her. I knew better than that, I ignored the emails and thought no way in hell they are going to trick me into charging her with a statement from me, to take away the love of my life. I stood up for her and protected her. It makes me sad now that I did that for her and she turned around and stabbed me in back for it, with a fake charge yet, when the ones from her were not fake!”
“Why not have her charged now? Honestly, it would make me no better than her then. If we look at her honestly, she could really never amount to anything better than a lawyer, where I’ve grown from running companies as CEO, and teaching at university to now studying finance, stock markets, international currencies, crypto currencies and everything that will be the future 5 years from now. My goal is to try to reach millionaire status again one day, not work like a dog to make 100k a year, or make partner in a firm, I set higher goals for myself, cause I know I’m 10x the person she is cause I’ve worked as a programmer, system administrator, network administrator, security, VOIP industries, and about every other technology under the sun you can think of, I didn’t waste more than 2 years of my life in the military like she did. I’ve always been good at predicting when a new technology will come out and am nearly right every time.”
“Maybe that is what attracted me to her in first place? I’m so focused on the future and her history degree balanced me out perfectly possibly. I mean there is nothing more annoying in life than someone parroting facts off a wikipedia, but where history majors do shine is when you travel and go out and do things together. The next five years will see the rise of quantum computers, artificial intelligence, and block chain technology, honestly anyone not into block chain technology will just be a lost cause 5 years from now, even a lot of legal profession will be replaced by artificial intelligence. I think I will welcome the change, as people should be convicted on scientific evidence not hearsay like it is today, its ridiculous. He said, she said, what a joke our current system is. We will also look back 5 years from now and think I can’t believe we posted our whole life on social media sites like FaceBook. I think Edward Snowden said it best, “Saying you don’t care about privacy because you have nothing to hide, is like saying you don’t care about free speech because you have nothing to say”. These sites like FaceBook will be replaced with privacy again in mind based on block chain technology, just a matter of who does it first when the technology has reached maturity. What we should be more concerned about in privacy sector is artificial intelligence.”
“What do you feel for Lynn Ubell now? I mean I will always love her, I think the feeling that comes to mind is sad. I truly loved her with all my heart, why it was such a difficult situation. Picture a legal system attacking you in such a way where you pretty much can’t talk to the one you love for next half a decade, that is a lot of years! Now consider how long the average adult lifespan is, you can see where our system is flawed. If I had the money I did back in the day of the dot com boom, we would most likely have just left the country all together to be together and that would have resolved everything, but instead a no contact order was left to be abused by a couple struggling through infidelity issues, I think we did good though, we almost made it through and would have been strong, but her drinking pretty much killed it, I guess I didn’t want to drink my life away or get brought down by it”
“How do you feel about consequences of pleading guilty to something you didn’t do? Sad really, mostly because she didn’t stand up for me. Reality is it doesn’t even matter anymore, 5 years from now it will be like it didn’t happen, and well if I do well in investments even better, its like instant citizenship to anywhere in world I want to live, this whole thing will just be chalked up to what it already was, a waste of everybody’s time. Important thing is to just keep moving forward, when you know your that much better than someone, its best to not let them bring you down any further”
“Do you think you will ever contact Lynn Ubell again when you can legally do so? It’s hard to say right. When that much time goes by, that person might not even be the same person anymore. I mean I do hear about her time to time when I talk to my mother, and honestly every time I hear about her just makes me feel sorry for her. Pursuing law degrees in her 50’s, travelling to different countries on her own. What a lonely existence, what makes travelling memorable is sharing those memories with someone, the older you get before you get married, all those places you visited mean absolutely nothing, because you didn’t share them with your spouse, no one will care to hear about it unless they are drunk lol. Just wasted trips and more lost memories. I find the most interesting stories about other countries is when I get to hear about them from couples, it ads excitement hearing it from 2 people, just hearing it from one person is kinda boring because you only have 1 person exploring”
“But do you think you’d ever talk to her again? Well me and her know the charge was fake to begin with, if I ever did see her again, the only question I’d really have is, “Was it worth it to charge me so we could never see each other again?” I mean that’s all this was ever really about, charge me and never be together again or have my back as a partner and we could live happily ever after like I did for her. No one cares if she was raped or not, no one cares if I was raped or not, what some ex boyfriend or girlfriend on FaceBook? Who cares. Maybe a legal system that likes to secure more federal funding for trials? No one cares. The only thing that it truly shows is if the person’s heart is full of apathy or love, as well as if that person has your back so you can be with them for the rest of your life or not. It’s important because you want to feel comfortable travelling with them that they wouldn’t leave you in some mexican prison lol. I remember she wanted me to come to India with her while all this was going on, I really wanted to go, but again you have to think about it, if your partner can’t even protect you in Canada, who knows what they would do to you in a foreign country! Definitely not worth the risk. Travelling is when I need to trust the person the most if anything happens! If I travel outside North America with someone its because I trust them with my life”
“Do you think you’d ever see her again? I’m sure she’d love that, for me it would most likely be a very bad idea. What if I saw her again and fall instantly in love with her, she could charge me with some fake rape charge again, would you risk it?”
“Do you think she’d ever appeal and tell the truth? That’s only way we could ever be together again, I can’t run around life with a woman I have a charge against! No she never would, like I said this is a woman who only cares about herself. She believes a career is more important than a soul mate. I think Warren Buffet stated it best when he said the secret to success is a loving spouse and now he’s a billionaire. He’s right, when you have that you can concentrate more on success, its easier. If you have to keep keeping track of a partner cause they keeping ex boyfriends/girlfriends on FaceBook, it’s taking your time away from better things you can be working on, I don’t even use FaceBook anymore, its a waste of time, I really don’t care to hear about 50 people’s day to day lives constantly”
“Do you have any feelings left for Lynn Ubell? Of course! Why I stay far away, it would be very bad idea for me to see her and fall in love with her again, my heart is weak that way, and it only happens when I am around her. I must admit I am happy about fact she became a lawyer in Ontario for fact I hope she writes bar exam there and never leaves there lol, without her around I never get into trouble, should show everybody something right there.”
“I refuse to be one of those people in this world that has had their heart tainted by injustices, or past ill doings done unto them. When I find the right person that is deserving she will have my complete heart. ”